Self-care: how to stop thinking and start feeling!

Have you ever wondered if what we think we are thinking isn't actually what we are thinking at all?

Advice? Stopping thinking and start feeling by focusing on emotions, not thoughts.

When we try to process feelings, it's sometimes difficult to pinpoint the origin of those emotions. Most of us have trained our brains into making excuses for emotions like, 'I'm sad because I'm tired' or 'I'm annoyed because of this morning's traffic', when in reality it may be a deeper emotion lying at the root.

Here is an exercise to do at home to help you pinpoint your emotions:

-Sit for a minute and close your eyes.

-Slowly start to relax all of the muscles in your face and body.

-Gently sweep out thoughts like ocean waves

-Focus on pushing out negative external thoughts in your life; your job, money, past experiences, future aspirations, past experiences and other peoples issues.

-Look inwardly. Picture yourself in an open, white space surrounded by nothing and look at yourself. Do you look happy? Why not? What lies at root of your unhappiness?

- What do you see? This could be anything from feeling conscious about your weight to being anxious or comparing yourself to others.

-Identifying these emotional flaws means you are on the right path to self-healing.

- Now list ways to tackle the negative emotions. Some of the most effective methods are; writing down your feelings, speaking to someone close to you, speaking to someone you don't know very well (you may find it's easier to open up), talking to yourself out loud or practising a hobby to boost your confidence.

No, it isn't easy. Your feelings may link to a personality trait that won't go away, or you might always have a little voice in your head that talks negatively at you all the time. If this sounds like you, try to make a habit out of constantly reminding yourself that this is a feeling you have about yourself that you can change. It doesn't reflect the way you really are, and it is very possible to change a negative emotion into a positive one.

Remember, how you think you feel and how you truly feel are two different things. Take control of your negative emotions. Do something little every day to counteract them. Then you will eventually begin to heal yourself and feel like a happier, healthier you.

- by Becky Derry

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